Monday, October 19, 2009

computation of bloomingdale

#1 Mapple/ Model House

Specifications:* 50.00 SQM (Single Detached)
For Three-Bedroom Residence
Reinforced Concrete Wall 100mm Thick (Cast-in-Place)
Smooth Finish Interior Wall
White Sand Blast Exterior Wall
Steel Truss with C-Purlins Roof Framing System
Colored Roofing with Spanish Gutter and Downspout
4mm Thick Plywood Ceiling on 2” x 2” Coco Joist
Without Bedroom Partition
Flush Type Main and Backdoor, PVC T&B DoorBreakdown

Tentative Computation*

.SpotCash: Php.1,150,000.002.
Thru PAG-IBIG Financinga.
Equity is P320,364.18or 8 months to pay is P53,394.03/mo.
LOAN TERM thru pag-ibig;
30yrs is P8,317.98/mo.
25yrs is P8,681.12/mo.
20yrs is P9,307.08/mo.
15yrs is P10,476.25/mo.
10yrs is P13,027.42/mo.
5yrs is P21,145.38/mo.